Fake plastic wood flooring

Revealing the secrets of Fake plastic wood flooring: There are many hidden dangers. How can consumers distinguish the authenticity?

1. Introduction

In recent years, with the hot home decoration market, various types of floor products have emerged one after another. However, some Fake plastic wood floorings that are inferior and fake have also appeared on the market. These fake and shoddy products not only harm the interests of consumers, but also may cause serious pollution to the home environment. This article will discuss Fake plastic wood flooring, reveal its harm, and provide consumers with methods to distinguish the authenticity.

2. Hazards of Fake plastic wood flooring

Quality issues: Fake plastic wood flooring uses inferior raw materials, rough production process, short service life, easy deformation, fading, and breakage. Such floors not only affect the appearance, but also may bring safety hazards.

Environmental pollution: Fake plastic wood flooring uses a large amount of harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde and benzene, in the production process. These substances are released into the room, which will cause the air quality to deteriorate and cause serious harm to human health.

Cutting corners: Fake plastic wood flooring often cuts corners to reduce costs. This may lead to quality problems during the use of the floor, such as warping and bubbling.

Lack of after-sales service: The manufacturers and sellers of Fake plastic wood flooring often do not have a complete after-sales service system. Once a problem occurs, it is difficult for consumers to get a timely and effective solution.

3. How to identify Fake plastic wood flooring

Observe the appearance: The surface of the genuine plastic wood floor is smooth and the color is uniform, while the surface of the Fake plastic wood flooring is rough and the color is uneven. In addition, the edges of the genuine plastic wood floor are neat and the splicing is tight, while the edges of the Fake plastic wood flooring are rough and the splicing is not tight.

Smell and identify the material: The genuine plastic wood floor is made of environmentally friendly materials and has no irritating odor. Fake plastic wood flooring often has a noticeable irritating odor, indicating that it uses inferior raw materials.

Check the thickness and density: The thickness and density of the genuine plastic wood floor are relatively large, and it has strong compressive resistance. Fake plastic wood flooring is thinner, has a lower density, and has poor compressive resistance.

Understand the brand and origin: When consumers buy plastic wood flooring, they should choose well-known brands and regular channels. Fake plastic wood flooring often has no brand logo or uses fake brands.

Check the test report: Plastic wood flooring produced by regular manufacturers will provide a test report issued by an authoritative department. When purchasing, consumers can ask to see the test report to confirm the quality of the product.

IV. Conclusion

Fake plastic wood flooring has brought many troubles to consumers. In order to ensure the safety and comfort of the home environment, consumers should be vigilant when purchasing and learn to distinguish the authenticity. At the same time, relevant departments should also increase the crackdown on counterfeit and shoddy products, maintain market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Only when consumers, enterprises and the government work together can we create an honest and healthy home decoration market.

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