how much does composite decking cost

how much does composite decking cost: 15-25 US dollars per square meter, transportation and installation costs are clear at a glance

In my country, composite decking is increasingly popular among consumers due to its environmental protection, beauty, durability and other advantages. So, what is the cost of composite decking? This article will analyze the cost structure of composite decking in detail, including material costs, transportation costs and installation costs.

1. Material costs

The material cost of composite decking is one of the main factors affecting the cost. At present, the price of composite decking in the market ranges from about 15 to 25 US dollars per square meter. This price range is mainly affected by the following factors:

1. Material quality: high-quality composite decking uses raw materials of better quality, longer service life, and relatively higher prices; while inferior composite decking uses poorer raw materials, shorter service life, and lower prices.

2. Material color: The richer the color of composite decking, the more pigments are required in the production process, and the higher the cost. Generally speaking, light-colored floors are cheaper, while dark-colored floors are more expensive.

3. Surface treatment: The surface treatment of composite decking will also affect the price. For example, different surface treatments such as wood grain, smooth, and concave and convex have different production costs.

2. Transportation cost

The transportation cost of composite decking needs to be determined based on the actual quantity and the distance of sea transportation. Generally speaking, the following factors will affect the transportation cost:

1. Quantity: The more composite decking you buy, the lower the transportation cost. Because the transportation company can make full use of the cargo space and reduce the transportation cost.

2. Distance: The longer the sea transportation distance, the higher the transportation cost. In addition, insurance costs and port fees during transportation must also be considered.

3. Transportation method: The prices of different transportation methods are also different. Such as bulk transportation, container transportation, etc. Consumers can choose the appropriate transportation method according to their needs.

3. Installation cost

The installation cost of composite decking ranges from about US$8 to US$12 per square meter. The following factors will affect the installation cost:

1. Floor type: Different types of composite decking have different installation difficulties and costs. For example, spliced ​​flooring, clip-on flooring, etc.

2. Ground conditions: Ground flatness, cleanliness, etc. will affect the installation cost. The better the ground condition, the lower the installation cost.

3. Installer skills: The skill level of the installer will also affect the installation cost. Experienced installers have better installation results and relatively higher costs.

In summary, the cost of composite decking ranges from approximately US$23 to US$49 per square meter. When purchasing composite decking, consumers can choose the appropriate materials, transportation methods and installation services according to their needs and budget.

Finally, consumers are reminded not to pursue low prices when purchasing composite decking. Because low prices may mean poor material quality, inadequate transportation services, poor installation results and other problems. It is a wise choice to choose regular channels to purchase and ensure the quality and after-sales service of composite decking.

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